
How to Fix a Green Pool: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Fix a Green Pool: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're dealing with a green pool, don't panic! With the help of Clear Maxx Flocculant, you can easily restore your pool to its crystal-clear state. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of fixing a green pool and saying goodbye to algae and murky water.


Assess the Severity of the Green Pool.

Before you begin the process of fixing a green pool, it's important to assess the severity of the situation. It will help you determine the appropriate amount of Clear Maxx Flocculant to use and the steps you need to take. Start by visually inspecting the pool and noting the colour and clarity of the water. Is it a light green or a dark, murky green? Are there visible algae blooms or debris floating on the surface? By understanding the extent of the problem, you can effectively plan your pool restoration process.


Gather the Necessary Supplies.

Before you start using Clear Maxx Flocculant to fix your green pool, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. You will need a pool brush, a pool vacuum, a pool skimmer, a water testing kit, and of course, Clear Maxx Flocculant. Having these supplies ready will ensure a smooth and efficient process. Once you have everything you need, you can move on to the next step in restoring your pool to its crystal-clear state.


Balance Pool's pH Levels.

Before adding Clear Maxx Flocculant to your pool, it's important to balance the pH levels. The ideal pH range for a pool is between 7.2 and 7.6. Use a water testing kit to determine the current pH level of your pool. If the pH is too high, you will need to add a Pool Maxx pH Up - pH decreaser. If the pH is too low, you will need to add a Pool Maxx pH Down - pH increaser. Once you have balanced the pH levels, you can proceed with using Clear Maxx Flocculant to fix your green pool.


Add Clear Maxx Flocculant to the Pool.

Now that you have balanced the pH levels of your pool, it's time to add Clear Maxx Flocculant. Start by turning off the pool pump and allowing the water to become still. It will help the flocculant work more effectively. Next, carefully pour the recommended amount of Clear Maxx Flocculant into the pool. The amount will vary depending on the size of your pool, so be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. Once the flocculant is added, turn the pool pump back on and let it run for at least 8 hours. During this time, the flocculant will work to bind together the particles causing the green colour and sink them to the bottom of the pool. After 8 hours, you can use a pool vacuum to remove the settled particles. Your pool should now be clear and ready for swimming!


Run the Pool Filter and Vacuum the Pool.

After adding Clear Maxx Flocculant to your pool, it's important to run the pool filter and vacuum the pool to remove the settled particles. Turn on the pool pump and let it run for at least 8 hours to ensure that the flocculant has enough time to work. During this time, the particles causing the green colour will bind together and sink to the bottom of the pool. Once the 8 hours are up, use a pool vacuum to carefully remove the settled particles from the bottom of the pool. Make sure to vacuum the entire pool to ensure that all the particles are removed. After vacuuming, check the clarity of the water. If it is still slightly green, you may need to repeat the process or consult a pool professional for further assistance.



1. Clear Maxx is available on our Global Store, with a special offer of 15% using coupon code POOLMAXX15 at checkout.

2. Available on Amazon & Flipkart as well.


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